
August—November 2017

Text. I. Chalk Laboratory (linear sequences, two-directional matrices, volumetric clusters). II. Colour Studies (A, B, C, plan diagrams). III. The Cast (preperation, plaster model photos). IV. Disoccupy/Occupy (study models, drawings, final model). V. House v. House (Casa Hartley, Korman House, Hybrid). VI. An Intervention (study models, drawings, model photos). VII. A Houston Invasion (perspectives).
A series of small introductory architecture exercises. Taught by Jesus Vassallo and Gail Chen (TA) for ARCH 101.

Model photograph.

The house has long been based in underlying assumptions of privacy and publicity, and of spaces that reflect the two in some way. While innately a social and subjective construct, structures are built with intended formal and qualitative associations of being either private or public, to the point where rooms can easily be “read” as either. This project seeks to break down these conventions or associations and challenge the way that rooms can interact and merge with each other, physically or otherwise.

By closely analyzing connections of publicity with circulation, visibility, and connectivity, these criteria are experimented with in an attempt to ambiguate the space, creating a house that ties explicit expressions of closed-off spaces with open-to-interpret spaces of free program, a domestic vagueness.. More specifically, staircases that wrap around the house and emphasize its form create movement across the house, while windows create connections that force a dialogue between each room.

Ground floor plan.

Second floor plan.

Section A.

Section B.

Diagrams exploring gathering at two scales of plan.

Diagrams of visibility on the ground and second floor, as well as two sections.

Diagrams of three circulation paths in the house, superimposed in the bottom right.

Diagrams of light from windows on the ground and second floor.

Stylized renderings.
Form-finding process, with single-dimension deformations in light pink and double-orientation deformations in dark pink.

Iterative deformations on a scale of homogeneity.
Iterative deformations on a scale of unified to discretized.

Axonometric diagram of window/tree placement.

Axonometric diagram of circulation paths.

Axonometric diagram of spatial communication.

Model photos.